This Oasis Of Mine

Hey, I’m like six days late but… oh well. I like this prompt: A sanctuary is a place you can escape to, to catch your breath and remember who you are. Write about the place you go to when everything is a bit too much.

Oh, wow. This is a toughie. Um… I go to the back of my mind? I’ve been pretty stressed out lately with school, my family and all the other typical problems that come with being a teenager. Exams are looming, meaning my teachers are hounding me – and the rest of the class – to study, revise and just do a damn good job. I’m trying to make nice-nice with the relatives, seeing as I’m holidaying over at the Philippines for Christmas break, and finally I can’t seem to deal with the people in general (typical teenage angst; O woe is me, O woe is me, blah blah blah).

It’s no wonder I seek refuge in my so-called ‘oasis’ as much as I can, practically after the end of every day. My oasis, of course, happens to be my flat. In that little studio apartment, I can just be. No coursework to worry about. No errands to do. No people to deal with. I’d have to deal with all that the moment I step back out again but, what the hell, I’m watching Supernatural and munching on mini muffins. Go away and don’t bother me, I’m in my happy place.

I listen to music as well and, on the off chance, I get into this cheerfully energetic (or energetically cheerful) and I just dance. Chill. I indulge in the pop songs I usually turn my back on.  And on a completely different note, here’s one of my favourite songs by this band called Oasis:

Appropriate, don’t you think?

If you’re a long-time reader of mine, then you’d have probably realized by now that I’m an introverted kind of gal. If you know me in real life, then you’d see that I’m as socially awkward as can be: you should see me interact with people on a day-to-day basis. I’m like a walking guidebook on what not to do if you want to function socially. Maybe that’s why I visit my sanctuary almost daily… I value these moments I get to be alone and think about things and not worry so much and woah, was Jensen Ackles just lip-syncing to Eye of the Tiger? I need this in my life!!

Jensen Ackles, Eye of the Tiger

Over and out.

Of Singing Songs and Late Shows

Whovians, you need to see this! I just found a video — a quite recent one given how difficult it was to find a video that can be viewed from the UK — and it features Miss Karen Gillan in Craig Ferguson’s The Late Late Show. And what’s more interesting than two of my favourite Scottish people talking about Scotland-y things and Doctor Who? Singing, that’s what!

Karen Gillan sings a song… in Gaelic. How awesome-tastic is that?!

Below is a YouTube video, but it can only be viewed in America seen as it’s on the CBS Channel. If you can’t see it, here’s a link to the video in the bing website. Hope it works! This is just too cool to miss.

Over and out.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry

The very first thing — or I suppose, very first person —  that comes to my mind when I think of geometry is my old Geometry teacher back when I used to go to Bethel International School. I remember him to be easy-going and the class found him hilarious (his sense of humor catered to teenagers, shall we say). We only had him for a year before he became our Physics teacher.

Anyway, posting a picture of him feels a bit like cheating, so I decided with this one instead:

This picture was taken nearly three years ago, way back in April 2010. It was after a very long, very dull rehearsal for the end of school year’s Recognition Ceremony and I can’t really remember why, but my brother and I were hanging around this monument located somewhere in Tacloban City. I took pictures because back then, my camera and I were literally attached at the hip (I’ve had bruises to show for it!).

I have no idea what the statue stands for; I was quite ignorant back then. I still am now, actually, but I’d like to think that my awareness of current events has improved somewhat. After all, I know that Obama has been re-elected as the US president because it said so on Tumblr.

Um, yeah. Okay. Over and out!

Mang Demi Solar

The world is full of brilliant people.

I am privileged enough to have a family who can afford to put a good roof over my head and most of the time, I seem to forget about that. Just this afternoon I was bemoaning the fact that I cannot go on a shoe shopping spree because I don’t have any spare cash to spend. Looking back now, I can’t believe how petty I was compared to some people living in my home country, the Philippines. Poverty stricken families live in squatter areas, where they stay under tin roofs without all the things I take for granted. Like hygienic indoor plumbing and God-given light.

The video below presents the living conditions of these people, but it has a positive twist — there’s this guy who, using his ingenuity, created a means for which these house where light is hard to reach to have LIGHT. Watch the video. It will blow your mind by how simple his solution is.

Here’s to taking the term “solar power” to  whole new level!

Click here to donate to the Liter of Light charity.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Everyday Life

Whew, it seems like eternity has passed since I last did a Weekly Photo Challenge! I have no excuse other than the challenges didn’t really go with the things I did, and it’s such a shame that I’ve been so busy that I rarely have time to actually look… which kinda explains why my picture for this week is the way it is.

Behold, ladies and gentlemen, what I see every day — and by every day, I just mean Mondays to Fridays.

It’s not much. There’s nothing profound or awe-inspiring about this. What can I say? My life is caged by this thing called school -_-‘

That Awkward Moment When Robots Are Better Than You At Drawing

I mentioned last week that over the summer holidays, I went to the Science Museum in London. Well, the museum had a cool section dedicated to the Internet and other wireless-related technologies called the Chrome Web Lab. Clearly, it’s powered by the big men in Google. I had fun trying out all the little activities, but what stood out was when the robotic arm drew my face. You can watch the little clip below:

Apparently, what happens is that the camera takes your picture and then some computer program locates the ‘main’ lines of your face. This becomes the set of instructions that the robotic arm follows, and hey presto! your face appears in the sand.

Isn’t it awesome what we can do with technology these days? I mean, the outline of your face into the sand seems completely pointless to me, but the face recognition software is definitely cool to watch. I felt like a little kid seeing a lava lamp for the first time…

Over and out.

Summer Lovin’ (Had Me A Blast)

Yes, it’s officially the end of summer. Let the mourning begin!

School starts in less than nine hour’s time and, once you subtract the time spent sleeping, it’s not that far away. Knowing me, I’d stick by my usual body schedule and sleep for ten hours. Yes, I know it’s physically impossible… and yes, I have timed myself over several occasions. (Ten hours is the average amount of hours I ought to sleep in order to feel happy and refreshed.)

Moving on… As school begins again (I dread to think of the workload I’m sure to have), the better half of my brain activity focuses on the summer just past. The summer of 2012 has just been absolutely, positively fantastic. The highlights have been, in chronological order:

  • my first job, which is epic in and of itself
  • a tour to see Stonehenge — yes, the Stonehenge
  • random museum hopping that one day in London
  • after five years, I finally saw my childhood best friend again, and
  • more castle visits!

This summer has definitely been action-packed. Continue reading

“We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” by Taylor Swift

That’s right, folks, she has done it again! Taylor Swift new single “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” — lengthy title it may be — is as catchy as her other tunes. While I didn’t like it immediately as with the case of “Mine” from her Speak Up album, this song has wormed its way into my heart and built a home inside the ventricles (if that even makes sense).

It comes off as slightly juvenile, but it’s an empowering ex-boyfriend anthem. What can I say? I like it. It’s bubbly and fun and kind of summer-y though I don’t know why it is because summer is almost over and — breath — I can’t wait for the rest of her new song comes out!

State of the Union: The Day of Thor

I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again:

Well, to be precise Arthur Dent (played by the gorgeous Martin Freeman), said the words for me… but it’s the same difference, isn’t it? Life can sometimes be such blahhh sometimes, it can bloody well infuriate you. I’ve had a horrible day, which is pretty easy to tell. Wanna know why?

Today was Results Day — yes, capital letters and everything. It means today is the day where students like me across the country are receiving their results from the exams we all took way back in April (correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it was in April). Anyway, my results left a lot to be desired.

Oh dear. I seem to have felt this unwanted emotion called shame.

So this school year will be very busy for me, consisting of STUDY STUDY STUDY times. Unfortunately, this would mean times spent online Tumbling, Twittering or Facebooking* will be restricted. Good thing I’ve got this for my Wall of Motivation!

And yes, I’ve printed enough pictures to cover an entire wall. It’s not *technically* proven since they’re scattered around the place, but take my word for it.

I understand that getting good grades in school does not equal a good life in the future — it all depends on the choices you make, but it sure does help to get into a respected university to help you along. Sigh. Here’s to hitting the books and succumbing to the life of a ‘hardworking’ student!

Over and out.

*I may not be able to reblog, tweet or Facebook as often as I would like to, but please humour a girl and check them out. Just follow the links and ta-da!

Musings of a Stagnant Mind

I really don’t see the point of being in school today. It’s the last week of term and even the teachers have this devil-may-care attitude. Oh, don’t get me wrong – they’re still assigning students work (completing two booklets for English and a PowerPoint presentation for Media), but some don’t even bother to show up in classes!! Admittedly, the higher ups tell me they were gone for “training”… I just wish I could be at home right now, asleep in my soft and comfy and really, really warm bed.

The works aren’t due until school starts up again in September, anyway. In student time, that’s practically years away.

It’s my free period (the only proper one I seem to have, apparently) and I. am. bored. I could be reading right now, finish the books I have to read for English. Hell, I could be working on my Media ppt presentation. I just couldn’t be bothered to. The sun is bloody shining and it’s the start of summer! What on earth am I doing in this school?!

My mind craves stimulation, like I need a puzzle to solve or have an intense conversation with someone. I’d hate for my mental processes to stagnate; I don’t have a quick mind or anything, but I feel like if I don’t use it enough over a period of time, I just lose the use of it. Does that even make sense? Or have I been reading too many Sherlock fanfictions?

Hmm. I shall need to psychoanalyse myself later on. Meanwhile, I’m going to go and hug a tree… or something. Anything to cure me of this boredom.

Over and out.