State of the Union: The Day of Thor

I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again:

Well, to be precise Arthur Dent (played by the gorgeous Martin Freeman), said the words for me… but it’s the same difference, isn’t it? Life can sometimes be such blahhh sometimes, it can bloody well infuriate you. I’ve had a horrible day, which is pretty easy to tell. Wanna know why?

Today was Results Day — yes, capital letters and everything. It means today is the day where students like me across the country are receiving their results from the exams we all took way back in April (correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it was in April). Anyway, my results left a lot to be desired.

Oh dear. I seem to have felt this unwanted emotion called shame.

So this school year will be very busy for me, consisting of STUDY STUDY STUDY times. Unfortunately, this would mean times spent online Tumbling, Twittering or Facebooking* will be restricted. Good thing I’ve got this for my Wall of Motivation!

And yes, I’ve printed enough pictures to cover an entire wall. It’s not *technically* proven since they’re scattered around the place, but take my word for it.

I understand that getting good grades in school does not equal a good life in the future — it all depends on the choices you make, but it sure does help to get into a respected university to help you along. Sigh. Here’s to hitting the books and succumbing to the life of a ‘hardworking’ student!

Over and out.

*I may not be able to reblog, tweet or Facebook as often as I would like to, but please humour a girl and check them out. Just follow the links and ta-da!