“We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” by Taylor Swift

That’s right, folks, she has done it again! Taylor Swift new single “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” — lengthy title it may be — is as catchy as her other tunes. While I didn’t like it immediately as with the case of “Mine” from her Speak Up album, this song has wormed its way into my heart and built a home inside the ventricles (if that even makes sense).

It comes off as slightly juvenile, but it’s an empowering ex-boyfriend anthem. What can I say? I like it. It’s bubbly and fun and kind of summer-y though I don’t know why it is because summer is almost over and — breath — I can’t wait for the rest of her new song comes out!

Music, and the Emotions It Evokes

They say music is what feelings sound like, and I honestly think it’s true. I’ve been listening to Yiruma lately and please allow me to sigh in the beauty of his music, particularly Poem, which broke my heart and healed it again in the span of three minutes.

Want to hear more heartbreaking music? Listen to this:

It’s short. It’s poignant. It’s… undeniably passionate, and it makes me love Sherlock even more. And while we’re on the topic of BBC shows, here’s some lovely music that I rediscovered recently. It’s slightly out of season because I think it’s a Christmas song, but still. I listen to it as often as I can. I mean, can you hear his voice?!


I can just cry for Ten. Isn’t it powerful and bold and so very, very tragic? (Note to self: swallow a dictionary and/or a thesaurus before trying to describe music.)

Okay, moving on from my fandoms, here is the song I seem to be singing and dancing to lately:

I know I’ve recommended it before, but the song has stuck to me. I like it, what can I say? It’s inspirational and loud and I can listen to it while I do the dishes. Yup.

And finally, it’s not quite music… but it’s heaven on earth:

So while I’m in this music-loving mood, has anyone got any to recommend? I am seriously considering extending my tastes beyond the indie fandom songs, the ones without lyrics and the what-the-hell-is-Marty-doing kind of music. I would like to branch out to the music my peers seem to like, but I’m afraid to wander too deep into the mainstream pop music and accidentally find myself singing to Bieber’s Boyfriend”… *shiver* I’ve managed this long not listening to it, ha!

Over and out.

Wrocking and Trocking

No, these are not the names of dwarfs, believe me.

Before I can go crazy and gush about how awesome WROCK and TROCK are, let me first explain what they are about.

Wrock, short for Wizard Rock, is an indie music movement in which people write and perform songs inspired by the Harry Potter book series. It is a growing fandom within a fandom, with hundreds of bands around the world, many of whom tour and produce CDs. Wizard rock began as a Myspace phenomenon, but it is receiving recognition as a legitimate genre that spans all styles of music.

Trock, short for Time Lord Rock,

is a wave of music started by YouTube partner Nerimon and his band Chameleon Circuit. Styles of music can vary from hard-rock to acoustic, but the underlying theme is the adventures of Doctor Who, or, most recently, the Tenth Doctor, as portrated by David Tennant.
Trock is a musical wave similar to Wizard Rock and mirrors the idea that fans of the series can create musical fusion in their bedrooms with just a guitar or keyboard, and then post it on YouTube.

Source: urbandictionary.com

Too long, didn’t read? Bottom line: while they are not officially a genre of music yet, they are definitely a part of the fandoms just like conventions and fan art and fan fiction. This is fan music.

I discovered wrock before trock and fell in love with The Ministry of Magic. They’re music remind me of some kind of techno/pop/dance fusion except, of course, the songs are about Harry Potter… though, there are some songs that are so vague they can be “normal” songs. Ha, but the Pottergeek in me just can’t help but see it as a Harry Potter fan song. I mean, I already do see Harry Potter references in “normal” songs given the fangirl that I am, so yeah.

It’s a lost cause.

Trock, on the other hand, took some time to take a hold on me. Personally, I blame the fact that I listened to the wrong bands. Now? I’m currently listening to Chameleon Circuit, specifically “Kiss The Girl” — really, how can you not like the line “monkeys, monkeys, monkeys…” It’s so random if Continue reading

Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun

Well, this is awkward.

No matter how much of an oxymoron it is, for the past few days or so there has been sporadic raining so consistent I swear every time I look out the window or just up, I see raindrops falling. And yes, that makes it just a tad trickier to get a picture of the sun. So instead, I’m going to let you all use your imagination and simply provide the inspiration for a made up sun — that is, say hello to the Beatles’ “Here Comes The Sun”!!

[spotify http://open.spotify.com/track/5uGzveq6lRa5TFQ6zX3XaU]

Honestly, apart from that song “rain drops are falling on my head” this song has been a constant thrumming at the back of my mind. It’s quite annoying, actually, but what the hell. It’s the Beatles.


(By the way, I’m trying out this whole embed Spotify into a post thing so my apologies if that does not work. Here’s a YouTube link for your troubles.)

Oh No!

I got a new music fix.

And I first encountered it when I looking through YouTube for Sherlock fanvids, so see? Something good does come out of being a Sherlock fangirl.


Okay, without further ado I bring you “Oh No!” by Marina and the Diamonds featured in this awesome-tastic Sherlock video made, I presume, some time after the first season. (Please don’t be shocked by all the pink.)

It’s seriously one of my favorite songs right now, it’s not even funny. I’ve listened to it so much I’ve been banned from listening to it in Spotify, and so I’m making do with YouTube -_-‘ Anyway, as long as I can sing aloud and dance to it, I’m happy.

Sort of. Because this song is so true to me I can’t help but think think think (did anyone see Winnie the Pooh there or was it just me?) about how it speaks about my own personality… So good on ya, Miss Marina. You made me feel normal which, admittedly, is a rare thing.

Over and out.

“Safe and Sound” by Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars

Nobody was aware of this, but the last few days I’ve been in some sort of funk. This isn’t the first time I’ve been in a funk and I doubt it would be the last, but I really do hate being in said funk. I spend my days doing nothing, stuffing myself with sweets and reblogging on Tumblr like there’s no tomorrow.

Oh, and I read the off fanfiction every now and then.

I’m not saying I’m easily susceptible to funks, but it should be considered that as of the 11th of February, my school was out for a half-term break meaning no school, no set daily schedule and no actual work to do for good-for-nothing layabouts like meHence the funk — I like the work funk, don’t you?

Don’t get me wrong, the teachers assigned homework to be done, but who does that at home? That’s what free lessons and Private Study hours are for!

Anyway, the reason I find myself sinking into funks is because when I do eventually get out of them — and I do get out of them, believe me — whatever the reason I “get out” of it is well worth the trouble. The feeling is akin to being saved from drowning just when you feel like giving up. Or something like that, anyway.

I doubt I’m not explaining myself very well, am I? *le sigh* Either way, what took me out of this most recent funk was this:

There’s nothing like an upbeat, bubbly Swift song to bring someone out of a funk — oh wait, this song doesn’t sound very upbeat… or bubbly. In fact, it sounds a bit sad. Painful. Poignant. It reeks heavily of angst, which is understandable because it’s part of the upcoming Hunger Games movie soundtrack and from what I know of it, it’s very angst-y and full of young adult drama.

I wouldn’t know; I haven’t read the books.

And so I owe my current state of alertness to Ms Swift and the lovely couple from The Civil Wars. Thank you so much! Now I can concentrate on those math equation my teachers assigned to me — not!

Reblog all the gifs!!

Regrets, Aspirations and Chocolate Smoothies

While not exactly the first of January any more, I’m still pretty much hyped up over the “new year” because I’m weird like that. There’s nothing like the prospect of a fresh start to make my mind wander, and throughout the past couple of days I’ve found myself contemplating my life.

Have I done anything at all that I could be proud of twenty years from now?

What am I going to do for the rest of the year?

That chocolate smoothie I had this afternoon was really nice. When can I have another one?

a Ferrero Rocher flavoured smoothie from Blendini... I swear I'm in love

If I tally up all the things I did in 2011 and assess them one by one by my personal standards, I would have only a few things to be really proud of, a couple of things I’m sorta proud of, and one helluva pile of what was I thinking?! moments.

Thinking about my achievements led to me thinking about what I could have done if I had not quit so easily on some things — because yeah, I’m a quitter. Not in the sense that I just quit on that exact moment I feel like quitting, but it’s more of a gradual thing. Say I’m starting a new project… The first few weeks — months, maybe — I’d be super thrilled. Then as the excitement wears off, I’d begin to get bored before finally I’d decide to quit. That’s what happened to the violin lessons I was taking a couple of years ago, and now I’m getting this itching feeling that I should take it up again.

Maybe it’s fate, or perhaps I’m just inspired by these videos I’ve seen on YouTube today:

(You can’t really tell, but I’m a big fan of Adele’s music.)

Continue reading

Justin Bieber’s “Fa La La” ft. Boyz II Men

I can’t help it. This song is music to my ears (no pun intended — okay, well… a little bit).

I simply love listening to their voices blending and, despite its cheesiness, the lyrics are sweet. I know there’s a non-acapella version of this song as well, though as I’ve diligently skipped playing that song every time I (rarely) listen to Bieber’s album in Spotify, I have not heard it yet. And I hope to never will. The pureness of their voices should be preserved.

Oh and before I forget… 10 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!

“It Will Rain” by Bruno Mars

It’s tough for me to admit this, but… I like this song. The first time I heard it was when I was listening to the Breaking Dawn, Part 1 movie soundtrack, and I suppose I got “hooked”. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: I’m not a big fan of Bruno Mars. However, for some reason, I find myself liking his music. I mean, first The Lazy Song, followed by Marry You, AND THEN It Will Rain?? What’s next, Grenade?

Oh, man… I hope not >_< This entire situation is just so uugh, I can’t even begin to wrap my head around it. My entire view on music is being flipped upside down. I need a breather. *le sigh*

Don’t You Just Hate It When…

…you suddenly find yourself singing and dancing to annoying boy band music??

Now don’t get me wrong — I like pop music as much as the next girl. What I can’t stand are those songs that are in it just for the catchy tunes and the dance-able beat. Music is art, I get it, but I believe that songs are a way for the artists to express themselves and if songs lack that oomph that differs it from everyday conversations, then it’s not much of a song, is it? That’s why I love Taylor Swift’s music, because her songs have meaning.

If that paragraph above didn’t make sense, I’m sorry… but that’s the best way I can describe my views on music. Moving on.

I first listened to “What Makes You Beautiful” on the radio, quite blissfully unaware that it was by the popular boy-band here in England, One Direction. I have nothing against boy bands (erg, not much, anyway), but there’s something about the way the boys from One Direction look that makes me not want to take them seriously. It’s like Bieber to those who aren’t a fan, if you get what I mean.

One Direction to me is like Justin Bieber to other people (barring his fanatic Beliebers, lol)

Anyway, you can’t imagine my surprise when my friend Lizzie told me the people who sang “What Makes You Beautiful” are the one and only One DIrection. Admittedly, I had searched them up a couple of days ago (just to know about the hype, y’know) and I stumbled upon their other single “Gotta Be You”…

…Suffice to say, I didn’t bother listening after hearing the chorus. But for some reason now, the song has followed me (-_-) and I can’t get it out of my head! I mean, it’s gotta be yooooouuuuuuu!! How totally annoying yet completely catchy is that?


I’ll go insane soon enough, I suppose.