Spread the Word: KONY 2012

Are you busy right now?

Do you have an assignment or a project that is due the next day, and you’ve only managed to do half of it?

Is someone waiting for you outside your door, waiting for you to come out so you can go some place and have fun?

If yes, then please be a dear and ignore them for the minute. THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT.

The video below is not your ordinary viral video. Released just two weeks ago, it has spread in all the major video-sharing websites such as vimeo and YouTube, and as of last night it has made an appearance on my Facebook news feed. Its purpose it to tell the general populace of JOSEPH KONY, not to celebrate him as an outstanding citizen (quite the opposite, in fact), but to RAISE AWARENESS as to who he is.

If you’re like me who have no idea who he is, then this video will explain everything.

If you want to help, here are some useful links:

And of course, not to forget the obvious: SPREAD THE WORD. REBLOG, if you want. Tell your friends — the real life ones and the ones on Facebook. Tell your family because, honestly, would you want the same fate for your sons? Daughters? Younger siblings? Nieces, nephews, cousins?

I don’t think so.

Woah, I didn’t see that coming…

I know I’ve been busy with school the past few days, but… have things really changed that much? I went to sleep last night (one of the most epic Fridays I’ve had recently), and I wake up to find that Facebook has some new updates.

Don’t get me wrong — I’m all up for the betterment of our social networking experience, but this is just too much so soon. Every time I check my News Feed, I feel like the Friends lists on the left hand side are staring at me. ‘Oh look, my Family is gonna see my status update… better make it less vulgar.’ ‘Oh look, my school friends are gonna see it as well, better make it sound cool.’ ‘Oh look, I have a list for Acquaintances — better not put any important information either.’

It’s just TOO MUCH to worry about!!

This is the new Wall layout, to be released soon. There’s a customisable cover art at the very top, which is like a header (I get flashbacks of Bebo with this). Also, the timeline format of status updates and recent activity kinda reminds me of Twitter…


What ever happened to ignorance is bliss, huh? Back then, I couldn’t care less about what I said on Facebook (there was even that one time I got scolded by my aunt because I lacked tact). Now however, all I could think about is that my Family, my school friends, Acquaintances and whoever-else-is-on-a-list is going to hear my random shout-outs… and I feel slightly self-conscious.

Argh, maybe this is my subconscious telling me I should quit.

Naaah… it couldn’t be ;D

By the way: If you want the new Facebook timeline now than waiting for its release on October 1st, then follow this link for a step-by-step how-to.

I Got Bored, So I Changed the Theme

I hope no one minds.

I’m giving this new theme a try, just for a lark y’know? Notepad was all well and good, but it felt too school-ish for me. And since I haven’t been in school for at least four months, I feel like I need to “let go” of it. That, and I got bored of a lined memo pad that’s based from the iPhone app. Don’t get me wrong — I still love that theme and everything, but change is good. Yeah, I like change.

Not spare change, though. It makes my purse weigh a tonne.

One of the down sides of this current theme though (which, by the way, is called Quintus), is that it doesn’t have the Theme Options that lets me have convenient little buttons for Twitter, Facebook and the RSS feed — whatever that is; I never did quite figure that out.

So what do you think of the new theme? Is it all right? I mean, it’s darker for the eyes when you first load the page, but then it’s all white once you get to the content. Is that good?

But anyway, I like it. I might keep it for a few months. I’m as fickle as a teenage girl, you know. ;D

What’s Up With Pottermore?

With all the hype going around this new website, I decided to jump in the bandwagon, so to speak. I’m not really that excited with whatever news Rowling’s got (I’m quite content with the seven books, eight movies and countless admirable people surrounding the franchise), but that’s not me saying I don’t care.

The owls are gathering... Find out why soon

Because I care, really. It’s just my crappy internet connection working against me. The highest it can go is 33 kbps — 50 on a good day, 10 on a bad — so that means I can’t open up YouTube. However, diligently scouring through the many articles on the internet, this is what I got:

  • J.K Rowling’s announcing something on the 23rd of June; the YouTube link is for the countdown
  • It has nothing to do with the upcoming movie
  • No matter how much the fans pray, the announcement has nothing to do with a new set of Potter books, either… *insert sad face*
  • On the brighter side, it could either be…
    1. A virtual encyclopedia — I read somewhere that Rowling was planning to do this years ago. I wonder what’s going to happen to Harry Potter Lexicon if this is true.
    2. A social networking community — this would be my favorite, since I’m an avid social networking geek. I would love to connect with other Harry Potter fans.
    3. Last but not the least, a multi-player online role-playing game.

I’ve had my fair share of RPGs — Hogwarts New Zealand comes to mind at the moment — and I have a strong feeling that this might be answer. I mean, it’s PotterMORE. Potter Multiplayer Online Role-playing Experience. Need I say more?

I can’t take credit for the idea, seeing as it’s not mine. I got that from this link. Still, I think the idea has credit. While I’m still rooting for the social networking community, I’m not saying no to an RPG.


Over and out.

I Have Tumblr!

This is what happens when you have too much time in your hands: you get yourself a Tumblr account, despite the fact that you already have Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Formspring, YouTube… the list is endless (figuratively speaking, I hope).

I’ve heard of Tumblr before, but I never really got the energy to make one until recently. It took me days to figure out what Tumblr is in the first place, how to use it and what the heck does reblog mean? I finally got the hang of it, though — eventually. Now, to connect my WP to it… *strokes imaginary beard*

Here’s the link: http://blacksheeponthemoon.tumblr.com/ I fancied myself creative that night. Black sheep on the moon… creative. Riiiiight.

Gotta Love Video Conferencing

Ask me what video conferencing is before last night and I will answer you with a blank face. Despite the fact that yes, I am an avid user of the internet, I’m not that interested in connecting with other people other than in Facebook. I used to have Yahoo! Messenger, but then I lost that when my old laptop died on me and since then, I figured with the dial-up connection that I have, there was no use downloading a new one.

But then last night happened. My best friend from England sent me this link to tinychat.com so that we can use our webcams to see each other and, what can I say, I was floored by the results.

It’s been absolutely ages since I’ve caught up with my best friend. Yeah, we talk on Facebook and all that, but it’s really much, much better to be able to see each other, even if it’s just on the computer screen. Which is why, though I’m not a big fan of chatting or anything of the sort, I had fun chatting with my best friend.

It gives me a warm feeling that even though we’re separated by countries and seas and continents, even though we haven’t seen each other in real life since 2007, we can still be friends. Who says a long distance relationship is destined to not work out? With the wonders of technology and internet nowadays, you can do anything.

Harry Potter: The Quest

For all you Harry Potter fans out there, I’ve recently discovered a website wherein you can play games, browse through the picture gallery and watch exclusive videos, earning points all the while. If The Quest community gathered enough points, the goal will be reached a reward will be released! It really is a fun way to while the time away…

Oh, and did I mention that just by registering, you stand a chance to win a trip for two to the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 premiere? Awesome, right?

Visit the site at http://www.harrypotterthequest.com.