Retrospection — Has it really been 12 months?

This is definitely a surreal experience. I can’t believe I forgot about this but, believe it or not nine days ago last year was the very first time I’ve posted in this humble blog of mine. Yes, it’s my blog’s anniversary — or I suppose, blogoversary.

Whoo! Bring out the champagne, people!

Er, make that alcohol-free champagne...

So much has changed in just a span of twelve months — I mean, just twelve measly monthsReally? Last year, I was in a completely different country, living a completely different life with no clue what to do with my life. Albeit, I have no idea what to do with my life now, at least I’m that little bit closer to finding a purpose.

This blog — the internet in general — has been a constant presence in my life, it surprises me now to think that I could simply look back on past posts to remind myself of my thoughts and feelings on certain subjects half a year ago. So much has changed, it’s simply quite unreal.

Of course, I could have never gotten this far without you, my dear readers. You have no idea how much I appreciate your presence, and even though I feel like I’m ‘talking’ to thin air most of the time, I know you guys are there… reading, listening, watching (and not in a creepy way, mind you). So yes, thank you so much, because those little “likes” and comments and subscriptions make my day.

he novelty of this blogging thing has still not faded away; I still smile like a hopeless idiot every time I get an email notifying me that someone new has “followed” this blog. I doubt that feeling will ever fully leave. Please keep reading, and have some ice cream on me! You know I’m having some right now!!

Over and out.

I Got Bored, So I Changed the Theme

I hope no one minds.

I’m giving this new theme a try, just for a lark y’know? Notepad was all well and good, but it felt too school-ish for me. And since I haven’t been in school for at least four months, I feel like I need to “let go” of it. That, and I got bored of a lined memo pad that’s based from the iPhone app. Don’t get me wrong — I still love that theme and everything, but change is good. Yeah, I like change.

Not spare change, though. It makes my purse weigh a tonne.

One of the down sides of this current theme though (which, by the way, is called Quintus), is that it doesn’t have the Theme Options that lets me have convenient little buttons for Twitter, Facebook and the RSS feed — whatever that is; I never did quite figure that out.

So what do you think of the new theme? Is it all right? I mean, it’s darker for the eyes when you first load the page, but then it’s all white once you get to the content. Is that good?

But anyway, I like it. I might keep it for a few months. I’m as fickle as a teenage girl, you know. ;D