Breaking Dawn (Part 1) Movie


I’m an avid fan of the Twilight Saga. I haven’t really been quiet about it with my friends, with my family — or with just random people, I guess. I love Twilight. I think that the love Bella and Edward share, though unconventional, is the kind of love that will last for eternity. Yes, he can be quite controlling. Yes, Bella ought to make her mind up and take charge for a change. But those quirks and imperfections are what makes them special.

The fourth installment of the movie is coming up. Breaking Dawn, Part 1 is due to be released on the 18th of November, 2011. That’s about seven months from now. It’s still a long way to go, but that doesn’t stop us Twi-hards from getting as much juicy information about the movie as possible. I’ve scoured the web and compiled these pictures. I’m not entirely sure if they’re all official, but they’re pretty good and I like them.


The part I’m really looking forward to in the movie is, of course, the big wedding. After huge amounts of asking (read: pleading) on Edward’s part, Bella finally agreed to his proposal. In return, she is turned into a vampire, something she really wanted to be. Due to all the danger she and the Cullen family get, from the Volturi and Victoria, I suppose her request was reasonable. Another vampire in the family just means more manpower on their side.

Speaking of weddings, here are some pictures of their honeymoon in Isle Esme. Oh, to be ridiculously rich… I could own myself an island!

I really don’t understand why they call these pictures ‘stills’ because every time I look at them, I can’t sit still. I jump up and down and squeal like some hyper tween… erg, don’t tell anyone I said that. *face palm*