Rediscovering Dan Bergstein’s Funny-ness

It’s been simply ages since I’ve visited the Sparknotes website to catch up on Dan and his latest critiques on the Twilight Saga as he read through them. So, logic prevails when I rediscovered his work, I was all “OMG! OMG! OMG!”

But in my head, of course. No need to alert my brother that I’m insane.

Anyway, I’ve given up halfway through Reading New Moon — or was it Reading Eclipse? because of my crappy internet connection, but I’m back on track, people! No, I’m not following his Twilight related blog posts anymore. I’m more into the Harry Potter ones. He’s currently reading though Chamber of Secrets, which is cool since I want to know his opinion of Ginny (*lamp post, giggle-giggle*).

I, on the other hand, is still in Sorcerer’s Philosopher’s Stone. (To those who know me, I insist on the British titles.)

The links to the posts are thus:

Dan’s pictures are hilarious and his sense of humor, though a tad mean sometimes, is seriously laugh out loud worthy. Read it now and tell me what you think.
Blogging Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: Part 1

James, Voldemort and Lily casting a spell at Harry (you must read the entry to make sense of this)

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